SJS began sponsoring an Assistance Dog at The Ability Center in Sylvania, Ohio. Assistance Dogs help individuals with disabilities achieve greater independence.
Global stock and bond markets have been tested by inflation many times in the past, and these markets have historically demonstrated their resilience in providing returns higher than inflation over time.
Rising interest rates are not always a bad thing. As interest rates move higher, the drop in value can be concerning, but in the longer-term, higher rates mean higher expected returns for investors, as bonds begin to produce more income.
SJS uses our 2021 Capital Market Expectations to help design a portfolio that is appropriate for you, and to share insights from the SJS Investment Committee.
We don’t think that growing revenue, growing profits, or undervaluation can adequately explain GameStop’s valuation growth. Instead, we think short-term price speculation explains the majority of the dramatic growth.
Ignorance is bliss. At least that’s how we feel about the markets in 2020. The person who did not look at the news or troubles of the world was rewarded with an incredible year in the markets.
It appears that Democrats will control the Presidency and Congress. Naturally, the question many clients have been asking is “What does this mean for my portfolio?”
We can’t know the future, but we can use our experience to become smarter about it. Understanding the likely range of scenarios in advance may be the next best thing to certainty.