What’s Important to You Is Important to Us

SJS helps align investment management and mission, working with you to build a socially responsible investment portfolio. With the priority of not sacrificing your returns or convictions, we help align your portfolio with your financial obligations and responsible investing preferences.

Proven Portfolio Management

We help create a well-diversified portfolio,* strategically designed to emphasize market areas that may offer higher expected return potential. We also partner with leading firms to provide top-tier screening criteria and implementation.

Portfolios follow your SRI guidelines while helping to maximize diversification and manage costs, in whatever investment vehicle fits your needs, including:

  • Institutional-class mutual funds

  • Exchange traded funds (ETFs)

  • Separately managed accounts

Screen Out Unwanted Characteristics

Our Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) firm implements customized investment screens, such as social, environmental, and governance issues, where possible to align your portfolio with your institution’s mission.

Screens can be implemented at any level, such as company, industry, or sector, based on the issues you care about most, including:

  • Social: Faith-based, moral/ethical, diversity, human rights, labor relations

  • Environmental: Climate impact, sustainability, resource management

  • Governance: Management structure, compensation, disclosure

Encourage Positive Corporate Governance

The investment managers in which your portfolio is invested may engage with the companies on your behalf to promote business practices aligned for the common good by:

  • Proxy voting

  • Corporate engagement

Build for the Future

SJS supports your efforts to establish socially responsible investment (SRI) guidelines with sustainable planning and spending policies. We also support you with Investment Policy Statement creation and review to help improve governance, both now and for the future.

Decades of Experience

SJS manages dozens of SRI portfolios for clients and has been with them every step of the way:

  • Have drafted investment policies that include SRI mandates for the past 20+ years

  • Apply retail and institutional-class mutual funds that comply with SRI guidelines

  • Collaborate with an institutional money manager on additional funds with SRI guideline screening, which has led to helping seed the newly launched screened mutual funds

  • Investment professionals on staff with experience in shareholder activism

  • Assist clients who express a desire to actively vote their own proxies with drafting proxy voting guidelines and policies

  • Participate on a Separately Managed Account Advisory Council to co-think the best ways to build out custom SRI solutions to fit client needs

Working with you, we apply our decades of expertise to building and implementing the SRI portfolio which strives to meet your return needs while upholding your principles.

* There is no guarantee investment strategies will be successful. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Diversification neither assures a profit nor guarantees against a loss in a declining market.