SJS News
Stepping into 2025, SJS is filled with gratitude and excitement as we celebrate our 30th year serving you, our valued clients.
This Outlook includes a letter from Scott J. Savage on gratitude and excitement, what the yield curve means for you, planning financially for the new year, SJS puppy, and looking forward to Q1 2025.
SJS Investment Services has been recognized in CNBC’s 2024 FA 100 list, an annual ranking of registered investment advisory (RIA) firms within the USA.
SJS Investment Services has been recognized in the Forbes / SHOOK 2024 list of America’s Top RIA (Registered Investor Advisor) Firms.
We are proud to share our new office location in the historic River House building at 115 West Front Street, Perrysburg, OH 43551!
This Outlook includes our discussion of election time, financial to-dos before the end of the year, new SJS Perrysburg office, SJS Team updates, and looking forward to Q4 2024.
We would like to welcome Ryan Stoller to the SJS Team! Ryan serves SJS and our clients as an Associate Advisor.
We asked SJS interns Elizabeth Molique and Isabelle Szenderski to write a summary of what they did throughout the summer.
SJS Investment Services has been recognized in Financial Advisor Magazine’s 2024 Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Ranking, an annual ranking of independent investment advisory firms within the United States.
As I approach my 40th anniversary as a financial advisor, I can't help but look back on the road I've traveled.
This Outlook includes Founder & CEO Scott J. Savage’s gratitude for your 40 years of trust, how you can earn more interest on your cash, welcoming new SJS Team members, and looking forward to Q3 2024.
We would like to welcome Robert Schaefer to the SJS Team! As an Advisor, Robby works with both individual and institutional clients.
SJS Investment Services Founder & CEO Scott J. Savage has been recognized in the Forbes / SHOOK 2024 Best-In-State Wealth Advisors in Ohio ranking, as part of a ranking of wealth advisors within the United States.
The Outlook includes our evolving MarketPlus® Investing philosophy by standing on the shoulders of giants, and ways to help protect your personal information and financial assets. We also highlight The Ability Center and look forward to Q2 2024.
The SJS Q4 2023 Outlook includes our insights on small town values, MarketPlus® Investing, and planning financially for the new year. We also highlight new SJS Team members and look forward to Q1 2024.
We would like to welcome Jeff Lewis to the SJS Team! Jeff is an Associate Advisor, working alongside Senior Advisors to serve our clients.
Most recently part of the SJS Team from 2018 to 2021, we are thrilled to say that Molly LaClair has decided to re-join the SJS Team as an Associate Advisor!
SJS Investment Services has been recognized in the Forbes / SHOOK 2023 list of America’s Top RIA (Registered Investor Advisor) Firms.
The SJS Q3 2023 Outlook includes our insights on gifting and charitable contributions as well as U.S. real estate. We also look forward to Q4 2023.
SJS Investment Services has been recognized in CNBC’s 2023 FA 100 list, an annual ranking of registered investment advisory (RIA) firms within the United States.
SJS has been recognized in Financial Advisor Magazine’s 2023 Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Ranking, an annual ranking of independent investment advisory firms within the United States.
The SJS Q2 2023 Outlook includes our insights on building up our local communities as well as market performance so far in 2023. We also share even more members of the SJS family and look forward to Q3 2023.
The SJS Annual Report provides updates on the SJS Team, MarketPlus Investing®, SJS purpose, mission, & values, multi-family office services, and SJS community involvement.
The SJS Q1 2023 Outlook includes our insights on planning for your legacy, tomorrow’s headlines today, how the SECURE 2.0 Act may impact your finances, and looking forward to Q2 2023.
The SJS word of the year for 2023 is GRATITUDE! Gratitude for our health, families, friends, faith, country, the SJS Team, and most importantly You, our loyal client who trusts us to do what’s in your best interest day-in and day-out.
We would like to welcome Rachel to the SJS Team in Sylvania, Ohio! Rachel is an Advisor working closely with multi-generational families and individuals.
The SJS Q4 2022 Outlook includes our insights on the U.S. bond market over the past year, steps to help you plan financially for the new year, a thank you to Bev Langley, and looking forward to Q1 2023.
SJS Investment Services has been recognized in the Forbes / SHOOK Research 2022 list of America’s Top RIA (Registered Investor Advisor) Firms.
The SJS Q3 2022 Outlook includes our insights on the performance of global markets so far in 2022, supporting our communities, a new member of the SJS Team, and looking forward to Q4 2022.
SJS Investment Services creates a weekly market update to summarize performance characteristics for major stock and bond indices.
At SJS Investment Services, we’re always looking for fresh perspectives on wealth and how it impacts families, communities, and future generations. On March 11, we attended an event at the Toledo Museum of Art’s Glass Pavilion, Next Generation Philanthropy: Purpose, Not Privilege, featuring a conversation between Kristen Keffeler, author of The Myth of the Silver Spoon and Aly Sterling Philanthropy.
Given recent price drops in US stocks, we wanted to offer our perspective on why maintaining discipline to target allocations may be one of the most important things we can do as investors.
While the returns on your investments are important, so is the safety of your personal information and assets.
To help you financially plan for 2025, we provide this resource with important numbers for the year.
As we begin the new year, we have some ideas for concrete actions to start your new year on the right foot, financially.
Stepping into 2025, SJS is filled with gratitude and excitement as we celebrate our 30th year serving you, our valued clients.
This Outlook includes a letter from Scott J. Savage on gratitude and excitement, what the yield curve means for you, planning financially for the new year, SJS puppy, and looking forward to Q1 2025.
Every four years, we get the same question (whether you have asked it, or you are thinking it) – how will the election affect my portfolio?
As we approach the end of the year, we want to highlight some important financial items to review before the new year.
This Outlook includes our discussion of election time, financial to-dos before the end of the year, new SJS Perrysburg office, SJS Team updates, and looking forward to Q4 2024.
As I approach my 40th anniversary as a financial advisor, I can't help but look back on the road I've traveled.
While people commonly hold their cash within checking and savings accounts, we want to highlight three short-term, interest-bearing investments that can be held within your investment account.
This Outlook includes Founder & CEO Scott J. Savage’s gratitude for your 40 years of trust, how you can earn more interest on your cash, welcoming new SJS Team members, and looking forward to Q3 2024.
When working with investment managers, we want them to share that same client-first philosophy and sit on the same side of the table with us.
We want to emphasize some best practices that can help us work together to ensure your information and assets remain safe.
The Outlook includes our evolving MarketPlus® Investing philosophy by standing on the shoulders of giants, and ways to help protect your personal information and financial assets. We also highlight The Ability Center and look forward to Q2 2024.
SRDAX is a shining example of the value alternatives can bring to traditional stock and bond strategies.
As we begin the new year, we have some ideas for concrete actions to start your new year on the right foot, financially.
The SJS Q4 2023 Outlook includes our insights on small town values, MarketPlus® Investing, and planning financially for the new year. We also highlight new SJS Team members and look forward to Q1 2024.
To help you financially plan for 2024, we provide this resource with important numbers for the upcoming year.
In addition to family gifting, many individuals support giving to organizations that aim to help their communities. We highlight some strategies to make the most of your giving dollars.
You can consider putting excess cash into a money market fund, short-term U.S. Treasury bonds, or a short-term bond mutual fund / ETF.
The future of the housing market is uncertain, and its resilience will be a crucial factor in the broader economic landscape.
The SJS Q3 2023 Outlook includes our insights on gifting and charitable contributions as well as U.S. real estate. We also look forward to Q4 2023.
The SJS Q2 2023 Outlook includes our insights on building up our local communities as well as market performance so far in 2023. We also share even more members of the SJS family and look forward to Q3 2023.
It’s important to recognize how difficult it is to predict what will happen in the short-term for investment markets, and how much margin for error there should be for any prediction.
The SJS Annual Report provides updates on the SJS Team, MarketPlus Investing®, SJS purpose, mission, & values, multi-family office services, and SJS community involvement.
The SJS Q1 2023 Outlook includes our insights on planning for your legacy, tomorrow’s headlines today, how the SECURE 2.0 Act may impact your finances, and looking forward to Q2 2023.
community involvement
SJS began sponsoring an Assistance Dog at The Ability Center in Sylvania, Ohio. Assistance Dogs help individuals with disabilities achieve greater independence.
For five graduating high school Seniors who shadowed us recently, we asked each student to write a summary of what they learned during the week.
One of The Ability Center’s services is the Assistance Dog training program, which helps individuals with disabilities achieve greater independence.
Isn’t this picture magical? It's Main Street in Sylvania, Ohio, the small town where I founded SJS over 28 years ago!
In addition to family gifting, many individuals support giving to organizations that aim to help their communities. We highlight some strategies to make the most of your giving dollars.
International Samaritan is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is working to break the chains of poverty and improving lives, particularly within garbage dump communities worldwide.
The SJS Mission is to empower you to build a better life. That extends to our teammates, clients, and community members.
Leadership Toledo is an organization that connects individuals with the community, engaging and involving them with initiatives that make the Toledo region a great place to live, work, and enjoy.
The mission of Courageous Community Services is to provide meaningful, inclusive opportunities for individuals with disabilities and their families through advocacy, education, and engaging recreational experiences.
We asked each student to write a summary of what they learned during the internship, which we share here. We thank Kleiston, CJ, Beckham, and Zach for spending their internship with us, and we wish them well going forward!
Further expansion, connection, and exceptional maintenance of existing Metroparks will continue to elevate our region in the eyes of the world and in the hearts of those who call Toledo home.
These are stories of achievement that can only come through caring enough about you, your communities, and the world to give our time, financial support, our passion to offer a helping hand to those in their time of need.
For two graduating high school Seniors who shadowed us recently, we asked each student to write a 2-3 paragraph summary of what they learned during the week.
Inspired by many clients throughout the years, SJS Team Members are encouraged to “pay it forward“ with their time, talents, and resources to advance the missions of worthy non-profit organizations.
For three graduating high school Seniors who shadowed us recently, we asked each student to write a 2-3 paragraph summary of what they learned during the week.
I love Toledo, Ohio. There are so many great businesses in this area, and the least I can do is to support them. Here is a list of local gifts that I usually consider.
For nonprofits, less than 50% of donations come from the previous year’s donors. Here are 7 ways to potentially inspire more giving to your favorite nonprofit.
Restoring, preserving, protecting: It’s no coincidence that the tenets that I believe make for good environmental strategy also may make for a good financial strategy.
- 100-Year Vision
- 2020 Stock Market Return Analysis
- Alternatives
- American Flags
- Andrew Schaetzke
- Annual Report
- Annuities
- Austin Grizzell
- Banks
- Beckham Schmitz
- Behavioral Finance
- Bitcoin
- Bobby Adusumilli
- Bonds
- Build Back Better
- Business Owners
- CJ Hornbeak
- Capital Markets Expectations
- Cash
- Catherine Stanley
- Cherry Street Mission
- Children
- Community Involvement
- Control What You Can
- Coronavirus
- Courageous Community Services
- Craig Huntington
- Cryptocurrencies
- Cyber Security
- Diversification
- Divorce
- Donations
- Election
- Emergency Savings
- Emerging Markets
- Emotions
- Entrepreneurs
- Estate Planning
- Fiduciary
- Financial Advisor Magazine
- Financial Education
- Financial Media
- Financial Planning
- Financial Preparation
- Financial Review
- Financial Security
- Fixed Income