SJS began sponsoring an Assistance Dog at The Ability Center in Sylvania, Ohio. Assistance Dogs help individuals with disabilities achieve greater independence.
The stock market, like the bookmaker, handicaps all known information. You are betting on if your expectation is different than what the market expects.
As the stock market goes, so goes the economy. However, in any given year, economic ups and downs can diverge significantly from the direction of the market.
We all hope for things. But there are many situations where hope isn’t enough. With MarketPlus Investing, we use science and decades of research to guide us.
Your likelihood of “picking” these individual stock winners in advance out of the pool of 500 stocks, let alone picking all of them, is virtually zero.
A lot of what you would hear might sound technical and complex, but you also would hear something beyond all that financial talk: our genuine concern for you, your family, and your well-being.
The mix of stocks and bonds in a portfolio is the factor we believe has the most impact on expected risk and return. We stand ready to review your target with you.
Our quarterly Investment Committee meetings allow to reflect on and to evaluate the discipline of our MarketPlus Investing strategy, and what that means for you.