What's Next? Life After Selling Your Business

By Founder & CEO Scott Savage.

Many business owners I have had the honor to advise over the years share a common experience: Their identity is linked to that of their business. One client told me he was terrified to sell his business because he couldn’t imagine a life post-sale.

As I wrote in my ebook, a common experience for most business owners immediately after the sale is an emotional let-down, and in some instances regretting their decision. One client told me that knowing what he knows now, he would never have sold his business at the price he did. That was 5 years after the sale!

In my experience, a successful business exit requires honesty, especially with the person in the mirror. Acknowledging your dependence on the success of the business is worthy of contemplation and soul-searching before you assemble your team of advisors, get a valuation of your company, decide on strategic buyers or private equity buyers, and launching a sales process.

One client of mine was at the closing table after a year-long sale process, and just could not close for fear of becoming “irrelevant”.

In most instances, this emotion letdown - “seller’s remorse” - is quickly replaced with new opportunities, overdue time spent with loved ones, volunteering time and talents with a beloved not-for-profit, or finally having the time to focus on physical and mental health & wellness.

My Dad always said, “We’re all replaceable.” Even as I write this, I wonder how much of my identity is linked to my business.

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