SJS Investment Services has been recognized in CNBC’s 2024 FA 100 list, an annual ranking of registered investment advisory (RIA) firms within the USA.
In addition to family gifting, many individuals support giving to organizations that aim to help their communities. We highlight some strategies to make the most of your giving dollars.
International Samaritan is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is working to break the chains of poverty and improving lives, particularly within garbage dump communities worldwide.
Leadership Toledo is an organization that connects individuals with the community, engaging and involving them with initiatives that make the Toledo region a great place to live, work, and enjoy.
The mission of Courageous Community Services is to provide meaningful, inclusive opportunities for individuals with disabilities and their families through advocacy, education, and engaging recreational experiences.
Further expansion, connection, and exceptional maintenance of existing Metroparks will continue to elevate our region in the eyes of the world and in the hearts of those who call Toledo home.
These are stories of achievement that can only come through caring enough about you, your communities, and the world to give our time, financial support, our passion to offer a helping hand to those in their time of need.
For nonprofits, less than 50% of donations come from the previous year’s donors. Here are 7 ways to potentially inspire more giving to your favorite nonprofit.
Responsible governance is less about the newest trends in leadership and investing, and more about being responsible and calm no matter what markets do.