Retirement Plan Options For Business Owners

By SJS Investment Services Founder & CEO Scott Savage.

For many people, retirement plans serve as their primary means for growing wealth throughout their lives. As a business owner, the specific retirement plan and features that you choose for your business can dramatically improve the financial behaviors and long-term investment results of your colleagues.[1] Additionally, because there are many retirement plan options for you to choose from, you can select the retirement plan that is most appropriate for your business from an operational and cost perspective while also still providing the features that most benefit your team.

To help you differentiate between the most commonly adopted retirement plans by small businesses, we provide the below resource. From this, you may come away with answers and action items for the following:

  • Which employees can participate in the retirement plan?

  • How much can each employee as well as the employer contribute to the plan each year?

  • Does the plan allow for Roth contributions?

  • What are the regulatory and compliance requirements for the plan?

  • Can we create a vesting schedule for employer contributions?

As always, we are here to help you evaluate the best retirement plan for your business. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Important Disclosure Information & Sources:

[1] “Nudge: The Final Edition“. Richard Thaler & Cass Sunstein, 2021, Penguin Books.

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