Planning for the Future … With YOU, Front and Center

It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.

We agree, Yogi! We’re living in a fascinating time where a massive shift in technology and demographics is reshaping nearly every industry, including ours. It’s difficult to remember what technology was like ten years ago, let alone imagining what technology may bring us five to ten years from now.

While the reshaping of the future may be difficult to predict, adapting to these changes can only occur through mindful planning. As you might expect, planning comes naturally to the SJS team. We spend many hours of our day helping you and your families plan for the future. So it may not come as a surprise that we also take the time to plan internally for the future of SJS, putting careful thought into how we grow and adapt to this changing world.

As we grow, our task is to understand what is valuable and meaningful to you today, and also anticipate what may be valuable and meaningful for your tomorrow. The tools we use and the technology we adopt might change more frequently than we’d like, but the connection we share with you is the core of our business – and that will never change. Simply put, we will always want to share in your life’s milestones and to help you reach your goals.

As part of our planning process, the SJS team recently determined the foundation established in 1995 remains as strong as ever and will continue to guide us into the future. Our guiding principles start with servant leadership, which results in a “You Come First. All the Time. Every Time.” culture.

By staying true to these principles, the action steps we take as we move toward the future will be thoughtful and measured. At the end of the day, to serve YOU is the “why” behind the “what” at SJS. You are the heart of why we do what we do. As we continually plan for the future SJS, you – our clients – remain front and center with us.

These principles also apply to how we treat each other, as coworkers and team members, to create the culture at SJS. What makes SJS a special place? We look out for each other, work together, and help one another, to serve this purpose.

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